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A common cause of stinky urine is a urinary tract infection.  Usually, other symptoms will appear as well, such as pain when urinating, blood in urine and constantly feeling as though you need to urinate.  However, in some cases smelly urine can be the only sign of a urinary tract infection.

UTIs are more common in females, but males also get them. Getting rid of a UTI often requires a prescription for antibiotics from a doctor.  Antibiotics may clear up the infection (which should be the top priority), but they may not get rid of stinky urine.  In fact, antibiotics are a common cause of extremely foul smelling urine.

If you do end up taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection but the stinky urine remains after the infection is gone, consider trying Urifresh.  It binds the substances that cause foul smelling urine, solving the problem from the inside out.

UTI Infections Can Cause Foul Smelling Urine


UTI Infections

Is your urine odor a bit off lately?  Have you noticed a considerable tingling sensation, perhaps even burning, when you urinate?  Have you recently had unprotected sex?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be experiencing a UTI infection, more commonly known as a Urinary Tract Infection.

When you wake up one morning and it hurts to pee, or your pee smells bad, it can be alarming.  You may need to visit your doctor to identify what sort of problem could be causing your symptoms.  If it is a UTI infection, you’ll need your doctor’s help to get rid of it.

What is a UTI Infection?

Urinary Tract Infections are bacterial infections that most commonly affect the bladder and urethra.  If your bladder is infected, it could be due to cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder.



Who Can Get a UTI Infection?



UTI’s can afflict anyone, from babies to seniors.  The most common group to become infected with a UTI, however, is adult women. 

One of the most common reasons women have stinky urine is that they’ve got a UTI.

Men are more resistant to UTI infections.  Even if a man is exposed to the bacteria that cause UTI’s, he may not become infected.  If the bacteria does get into his system, his body will just flush it out through his urine after a few days.

How Can I Tell If I have a UTI?

If you are experiencing any kind of pain or burning sensation while you urinate, or if your urine odor is particularly strong or unpleasant, then you should consult a doctor.  These are common symptoms of UTI’s.


How Can I Tell If I Have a UTI?




If you are experiencing any kind of pain or burning sensation while you urinate, or if your urine odor is particularly strong or unpleasant, then you should consult a doctor.  These are common symptoms of UTI’s. 

How Do I Get Rid of a UTI?

Most often you’ll need antibiotic treatment.  That’s not really a pleasant prospect, but it’s much better than the alternative- having urine odor that is horrible, urination that is always painful, and possible serious effects if the infection is not treated. 

Where Can I Learn More?

If you are worried that you or someone you know has a UTI infection, check out these medical articles for more information:

WebMD Article on Urinary Tract Infections

Mayo Clinic Article on UTI

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